The observatory has appeared in movies, television shows and more, and is listed on the US National Register of Historic Places. It was used in three major areas of research: radio astronomy, atmospheric science, and radar astronomy. The Arecibo Observatory was completed in 1963 and for over 50 years (until the China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) was complete in 2016) it was the world’s largest single-aperture telescope. Rivera-Valentín, a planetary scientist whose work includes radar characterization of NEOs, said, “I am dismayed by the decision not to reconstruct the Arecibo telescope, especially without an alternate plan to replace or exceed the now lost capabilities of Arecibo.” The Arecibo Observatory during its heyday. Existing radar infrastructure can observe only half the asteroids once observable with Arecibo.” However, the most recent Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey noted that, “The loss of the Arecibo Observatory planetary radar greatly inhibits the ability to perform follow-up NEO (near Earth object) characterization.

The NSF says that it is following community recommendations for not planning to rebuild the Arecibo Observatory. Instead, the NSF wants Arecibo to serve as a hub for STEM education and outreach. Since then, many have called for the telescope to be rebuilt or for building an even better replacement telescope at the site. This collapse officially ended any possible hopes of refurbishing the famous observatory. In early 2020, earthquakes temporarily closing the observatory for safety reasons then a succession of cable failures ultimately led to the December 2020 collapse of the 900-ton instrument platform suspended above the observatory, which crashed down on the iconic telescope’s giant dish.

Issues began in 2017 for the nearly 55-year-old telescope when Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico, shearing off one of the 29-meter (96-foot) antennas that was suspended above the telescope’s 305-meter (1,000-foot) dish, with falling debris puncturing the dish in several places. The collapse of Arecibo’s radio telescope was a devastating blow to the radio astronomy community. Without the telescope, without the scientists, I don’t personally see how going to the visitor center won’t be like going to a memorial.” An overhead view of the damaged Arecibo Observatory after some cleanup. It did so because scientists at the observatory could be mentors and role models to students.

But it did so because we were doing great science with the telescope. “When I had the privilege of working at the observatory, as the first Arecibeño scientist to do so, I saw how it continued to serve that important role. “Arecibo’s role in inspiring generations of Puerto Ricans centered on the fact that we had a world-class facility doing cutting-edge science in our home,” Rivera-Valentín told Universe Today.

“I am heart-broken by this decision,” said native Puerto Rican and planetary astronomer Edgard Rivera-Valentín, who was born in Arecibo and was inspired by the science and discoveries being made in right in their back yard.